April Showers Bring May Flowers, but Don't Let Water Become a Problem!
Presented by Blake Schatz,
Schatz Structures & Waterproofing, Inc.
In this presentation, we'll discuss the basic types of waterproofing elements for decks, balconies, roofs, and basements. We'll explore ome of the ways these systems fail and what to look for when observing and maintaining these elements. The presentation will guide owners on the basics, in order for them to better understand and properly maintain your rental.
Presenter: Blake Schatz, Schatz Structures & Waterproofing
Blake Schatz has built a successful and reputable career as a structural engineer and waterproofing design consultant. As a structural engineer, Blake has managed a wide variety of new and existing projects including mixed-use multi-family in San Francisco and seismic retrofits San Diego. Structural condition assessments and water intrusion evaluations have been integral in his understanding of the built environment. As a waterproofing design consultant for many years, Blake learned the importance of good waterproofing design, informed clients of the many waterproofing options available, and crafted an expertise in water testing. He believes that existing buildings can still function as intended, so long as the structure is safe and water intrusion is limited. Every opportunity to serve clients, he believes, is an opportunity to improve the buildings we see and experience.
For More Information:
Berkeley, California 94704
United States 510.525.3666