Membership Benefits & Services

Benefits for Housing Providers include:  
    • Education

    Stay ahead of Berkeley’s ever-changing rental laws with expert guidance, member-shared insights, and our highly regarded monthly newsletter. And with your BPOA membership, you’re automatically part of a powerful trio—gaining affiliate memberships with the National Apartment Association (NAA) and the California Rental Housing Association (CalRHA), giving you access to even more resources, advocacy, and industry insights at the state and national levels.

    • Emergency Assistance

    A quick call or email to our office can help you navigate tricky situations and avoid costly mistakes.

    • Forms & Leases

    Don't risk using generic, one-size-fits-all leases that fail to comply with Berkeley's unique rental laws. Our lease package is written and updated by legal experts specializing in Berkeley rental housing law, ensuring you stay protected.

    • Political Advocacy

    This is your trade association, and we fight for you. Our team and dedicated members closely monitor local developments, advocating for policies that protect rental housing providers. The value of our advocacy far exceeds the cost of membership—helping to safeguard your investment and bottom line.

    We offer four membership categories:

    For Housing Providers:

    • BPOA Regular Members: Membership is renewed annually, with a base fee of $395, supplemented by an additional $35 for each rental unit per parcel owned/managed, whether owned solely or in partnership.  Join! 
    • BRHC Members:  The fee structure for membership is based on a rate of $150 per unit of ownership ($500 minimum), and membership is renewed annually. BRHC members receive specialized communications to inform them of critical public policy or legal changes. Join! 

    For non-housing providers:

    • Associate Members:  Professionals offering goods or services to rental housing providers who do not themselves own or manage rental units. Associate members pay a flat $399 per year. Join!
    • Supporting Members: Those who do not own rental housing in Berkeley but want to support our legislative, political, and legal issues—minimum annual dues contribution of $150. Join!