Credit Screening: Comparing Data and Use Reports

The third installation of our quarterly Intellirent webinar series!

Thursday, July 27, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (PDT)
Category: Educational Webinars

Collecting the right data for accurate insights is crucial to any screening process. As a rental housing provider, you know bad residents are costly. The content of credit reports can be confusing to comprehend, and regulations around credit reporting can be tricky. Knowing best practices can help you build preventative measures to protect your rental business. This is a prerecorded 45 min class that will cover:

1. What is and isn't included on credit reports
2. Red Flags Rule
3. Adverse Action Notices


Instructors: Kara Hohne, Client Success Manager, and Kathleen Castro, Product Experience Manager

For More Information:

Berkeley Property Owners Association Logo 2041 Bancroft Way Suite #204
Berkeley, California 94704
United States